- To supervise and give instructions on plans of the project team;
- To be in charge of the company’s important projects;
- To be responsible for design and research & development;
- To improve the company’s internal system;
- To help with training.
Job requirements:
- Having a bachelor’s degree or above and majoring in architecture, environmental art, interior design or fine arts;
- Having studied or worked overseas; fluent in English; ability to communicate in Chinese preferred.
- Having more than ten years of work experience as an interior designer or at a higher position, including more than three years of experience as a design director/supervisor;
- Able to take charge of the full work flow independently including takeover, report and management of a project;
- Able to instruct designers about their work and train young assistant designers;
- Familiar with domestic and overseas fashion trends, design styles and solutions of interior design;
- Being a good coordinator with good command of communication skills and excellent design management skills.
- Please title your e-mail as “Applying for the position of design director”;
- Please provide your personal portfolio (we only accept portfolios in the form of PDF);
- Tel: 86-755-8384 2205 (transfer to the Human Resources Department)
- Fax: 86-0755-8384 2202
- Contact: Ms. Fu
- Email: hr@yuqiang.com
- To lead the project team;
- To take in charge of all projects of the project team;
- To be in charge of the company’s important projects;
- To instruct designers about their work.
Job requirements:
- Having a bachelor’s degree or above and majoring in architecture, environmental art, interior design or fine arts;
- Having studied or worked overseas; fluent in English; ability to communicate in Chinese preferred.
- Having more than five years of work experience as an interior designer or at a higher position, including more than two years of experience as a chief designer;
- Able to take charge of the full work flow independently including takeover, report and management of a project;
- Able to instruct designers about their work and train young designers;
- Familiar with domestic and overseas fashion trends, design styles and solutions of interior design;
- Being a good coordinator with good command of communication skills and excellent design management skills.
- Please title your e-mail as “Applying for the position of design director”;
- Please provide your personal portfolio (we only accept portfolios in the form of PDF);
- Tel: 86-755-8384 2205 (transfer to the Human Resources Department)
- Fax: 86-0755-8384 2202
- Contact: Ms. Fu
- Email: hr@yuqiang.com
- Project analysis;
- Design planning;
- Report and organization;
- Project tracking;
- Work summary;
- Management of the project team;
- Coordination between relevant departments.
Job requirements:
Knowledge and skills:
- Having strong ability in planning;
- Capable of taking charge of a project;
- Being a good coordinator with competence in organization and management;
- Familiar with domestic and overseas fashion trends, design styles and solutions of interior design;
- Proficient in using software including AutoCAD, Sketchup, 3Dmax, Photoshop, CorelDraw and MS Office;
- Able to work on a plan independently; doing work with chariness and responsibility; and valuing teamwork;
- Able to take charge of the whole process of a project independently.
Comprehensive quality:
Mentally healthy, creative and careful with artistic temperament; having a strong sense of responsibility and a strong interest in design; cherishing teamwork and newness.
- Please title your e-mail as “Applying for the position of design director”;
- Please provide your personal portfolio (we only accept portfolios in the form of PDF);
- Tel: 86-755-8384 2205 (transfer to the Human Resources Department)
- Fax: 86-0755-8384 2202
- Contact: Ms. Fu
- Email: hr@yuqiang.com
(中) 岗位职责 :
- 独立完成部分空间的设计方案;
- 协助设计师完成设计工作:
- 素质:能够独立完成设计方案,具备成为设计师的基本素质,如审美能力、见识眼光、设计方法的掌握及学习能力;
- 技能:熟悉相关设计软件;
- 熟悉国内外室内设计的流行趋势、设计特点及解决方案;
- 能独立完成方案,做事认真负责,有较强的团队精神;
- 三年以上相关工作经验。
- 邮件标题注明:应聘助理设计师职位;
- 应聘者请提供个人作品集,作品集的格式请以PDF格式制作,其它格式暂不接受。
- 联系电话:86-755-8384 2205(转人力资源部)
传真: 86-0755-8384 2202
(中) 岗位职责 :
- 协助设计师完成设计工作:
- 素质:审美能力、见识眼光、设计方法的掌握及学习能力;
- 技能:熟悉相关设计软件;
- 熟悉国内外室内设计的流行趋势、设计特点及解决方案;
- 做事认真负责,有较强的团队精神;
- 2016应届毕业生。
- 邮件标题注明:应聘设计实习生职位;
- 应聘者请提供个人作品集,作品集的格式请以PDF格式制作,其它格式暂不接受。
- 联系电话:86-755-8384 2205(转人力资源部)
传真: 86-0755-8384 2202
(中) 岗位职责 :
- 项目统筹
- 组织施工图绘制
- 审核施工图
- 做工程概算。
- 施工图交底,各专业协调及问题处理。
- 施工配合工作,处理现场问题,出设计变更,参加工程会议、与客户对接
- 参加工程验收
- 项目总结
- 具有较强的施工工艺解决方案能力,
- 有综合体或酒店项目工地现场驻场经验,对施工程序了解,懂水、电、消防各专业的基本知识;
- 具备很强沟通协调能力,能很好的把控项目上的事情,灵活处理人际关系;
- 能树立公司形象,维护及稳定客户关系。
- 心态健康、责任心强、工作细致、心态稳定,对设计有浓厚兴趣,有艺术涵养和气质;
- 邮件标题注明:应聘项目经理职位;
- 应聘者请提供个人作品集,作品集的格式请以PDF格式制作,其它格式暂不接受。
- 联系电话:86-755-8384 2205(转人力资源部)
传真: 86-0755-8384 2202
(中) 岗位职责 :
- 完成项目的配饰设计工作。
(4)成本概算。 - 及时更新及整理配饰部资料库。
- 熟悉高端家居配饰专业知识,有丰富的配饰选配和陈列工作经验,对饰品的造型、质地,图案及颜色搭配有独到见解,能掌握设计格调并协助设计师挑选符合要求的材料产品;
- 热爱时尚、有一定的家居产品、配套饰品的开发设计能力;
- 熟悉各种配饰品的性能、风格和供货渠道;
- 有较强的沟通及谈判能力,有成功的高端客户服务经验;
- 熟悉相关设计软件;
- 两年以上相关工作经验。
- 邮件标题注明:应聘配饰设计师职位;
- 应聘者请提供个人作品集,作品集的格式请以PDF格式制作,其它格式暂不接受。
- 联系电话:86-755-8384 2205(转人力资源部)
传真: 86-0755-8384 2202
(中) 岗位职责 :
- 辅助设计师完成,绘制效果图
- 独立完成大中型建筑室内(外)效果图从建模、灯光渲染到后期处理的整个过程
- 熟悉施工图图纸规范、施工工艺、材料及流程
- 设计等相关专业毕业
- 熟悉相关设计软件
- 有较高的审美标准及艺术修养,有效把握空间造型比例,有较好的色彩把控能力。
- 细心严谨,有良好的职业素质,团队精神及沟通协调能力,能承受一定的工作压力;
- 两年以上相关工作经验。
- 邮件标题注明:应聘效果图设计师职位;
- 应聘者请提供个人作品集,作品集的格式请以PDF格式制作,其它格式暂不接受。
- 联系电话:86-755-8384 2205(转人力资源部)
传真: 86-0755-8384 2202
(中) 岗位职责 :
- 按展厅管理要求,实施日常商品的零售导购,按分工实施日常店内营业管理。
- 接待到访客户,帮助客人了解产品信息。
- 跟进了解客户需求,解答客户咨询,促进产品销售。
- 管理客户资料,管理展厅产品实物及资料。
- 充分了解产品知识,为配饰设计提供产品建议及提供后续供货服务。
- 配合实施市场推广活动及其他工作任务。
- 具有一定的审美水平艺术素养,热爱设计,关注时尚,对家居、产品或设计有一定了解和认知;
- 具备较强的协调及沟通能力,突发事件处理能力;善于团队协作;
- 熟练掌握office等相应软件的操作;
- 能用英语进行日常交流;
- 邮件标题注明:应聘店务助理(泡泡艺廊)职位;
- 应聘者请提供个人作品集,作品集的格式请以PDF格式制作,其它格式暂不接受。
- 联系电话:86-755-8384 2205(转人力资源部)
传真: 86-0755-8384 2202